If the above description fits into your personal and professional goals, then seeking substance abuse counseling employment, drug and alcohol counseling employment, or counseling center employment may be just what you are looking for. Counseling jobs can be very demanding, pushing your communication and interpersonal skills to their very limits. And although counseling jobs can be lucrative, helping people recover from substance abuse can be more gratifying than money.
Counseling jobs can cover a variety of specialized areas, work environments, and job descriptions. Counseling jobs can be for those who help people with gambling, spending, or eating problems, but more commonly those seeking counseling jobs seek substance abuse counseling employment, counseling center employment, or drug and alcohol counseling employment. These types of counselors help people change their behaviors to help avoid situations that put them at risk for falling back into substance abuse. They may help a substance abuser with finding a job or mentor them in how to begin the positive habits that lead to a normal, productive life. Many counseling jobs require that you work individually with the addicted person, but you will also frequently be asked to work with a group of people at one time in group counseling sessions. Aside from counseling individuals on the actual problem, you may also counsel their family members, because substance abuse greatly affects those directly related to the substance abuser, be they family or friends.
There are varied levels of education and experience required to work in counseling jobs. Minimally, a high school diploma is required, but because of the nature of the work most experience and learning is gained on the job, where one’s communication and interpersonal skills will be put to the test every hour of the day. To be licensed in counseling jobs it is sometimes required to have at least a four-year degree and sometimes a master’s degree. Licensing requirements vary greatly by state, so remember to look into those requirements based on the state you’ll be practicing in. Some formal training can also consist of such things as learning the effects of drugs and alcohol on the body and crisis intervention. Regardless of the level of education you achieve, it is crucial that someone seeking counseling jobs be resourceful, willing to work in a group or individually, and have a high degree of interpersonal skills and a great deal of patience. Excellent communication skills are essential and should come naturally for those interested in counseling jobs.
Working conditions for counseling jobs can vary. Some counseling jobs in schools require you to be onsite at the selected school or to make rounds to various schools. Counseling center employment might require you to work from an office in a local community center, private practice, or hospital. Regardless of your location, it is assured that, because of privacy concerns, counseling jobs require that you work out of a private office. Hours can also vary depending on the counseling job’s location and nature. Some school counseling jobs require that you work a normal 9-5 shift during the regular school year, while drug and alcohol counseling employment may require you to work long, demanding hours in a community center all year round.
The job prospects for counseling jobs are generally very strong due to the retirement of many in the field and also because of a relatively high turnover rate, especially in substance abuse counseling employment. Prospects may be higher in rural areas where workers are generally harder to recruit. Counseling jobs overall are expected to increase 17-34 percent over the next 10 years depending on your specialized field.
Salaries in substance abuse counseling employment and drug and alcohol counseling employment can be relatively low, as the formal training expectations are not that high. These types of counseling jobs, often related to vocational, individual, and family counseling, can make up to $31,000 per year. However, it is good to note that counseling jobs in colleges and schools can earn up to $75,000 per year, and as your experience and formal training increase, certain stretches can be made past $75,000 per year for those who excel at counseling jobs.
While demanding on your time, energy, and patience, counseling jobs can be some of the most rewarding jobs in the nation. Imagine helping someone turn their life around after a struggle with substance abuse. Imagine the positive effect that would ripple outward from this now well-adjusted person, leading to a lifetime of positive experiences for them any anyone else they touch.