School counselors in NY are required to satisfy New York State’s educational requirements as well as pass fingerprint and background checks. Educators who have valid credentials from another state that has a reciprocity agreement with New York State are also eligible for certification as school counselors and can apply for school counseling jobs in New York. Once the educational requirements and certification requirements are satisfied, the job seeker can begin to look for suitable counseling jobs.
As mentioned before personal preference will determine in part what type of counseling jobs an individual deems suitable. Counseling is a high stress job where the professional deals with many different personalities in an attempt to resolve issues or identify issues in the individual’s life. Counseling jobs have varying duties depending the employment setting and the capacity the counselor is employed in, as well as the age of the clients the counselor deals with. There are school counseling jobs for elementary schools, middle schools and high schools and the age of the students as well as the social and economic background of the student can determine the most common problems the students may be dealing with.
Counseling requires a great deal of empathy, objectivity and in the case of school counselors the ability to employ vocational or psychological tests. School counselors deal with social, behavioral or home issues and may also have to provide drug or alcohol counseling and identify child abuse.
Among all counseling jobs the most well compensated counselors would be those who work in clinical counseling or school psychologists. The most plentiful of counseling jobs would be school counseling jobs. School counseling jobs can be year round but many counselors work the school year and choose to take the summer off. This flexibility is attractive to working parents.
School counseling jobs are predicted to grow in a faster than average rate by the US Dept of Labor. School counselor job growth rates are predicted to be around 14% through the year 2018. Rochester NY has a large population and the qualified counselor seeking a counselor job in Rochester NY should determine how far they are willing to commute and search within that area. Every professional has a dream job and by determining what they want from their job ahead of time the chances of finding it are increased. One factor that school counselor job seekers might also consider is what age groups and types of clients they feel they will mesh with best and narrow down the job search. It is also advisable for the job seeker to decide what benefits and employment settings they prefer before seeking counseling jobs, because certain types of counseling jobs require irregular hours or on call hours. If those do not suit their lifestyle then the counseling job is not for them. There are many openings for qualified counselors but the most professionally satisfying counseling jobs can be found only if the person determines their requirements first.