School counseling jobs entails guiding students on matters that are important to them at their age such as college admission requirements, job interview tips, job skill assistance as well as in helping them cope with behavioral and social problems. School counselor careers can either be on an elementary or high school level. School counselor jobs at the elementary level usually work with elementary students to know their special needs, determine family problems, address social or emotional issues and reduce bullying. School counselor jobs at the high school level on the other hand, gives emphasis on assisting students in preparation for future careers and college admissions thus gives major concern on the children's academic performance. Aside from giving advice and guidance to students, school counselors also conduct conferences or assemblies that aim to educate students on vital issues and topics such as substance abuse and teenage pregnancy.
Opportunities for school counselor jobs can be increased by having a bachelor's degree, experience in working with children, specialized certification as a school counselor and a Master's degree in psychology or counseling. For those who are interested to work as a school counselor but do not have a bachelor's degree, enrolling in an undergraduate program with a major in education is a stepping stone towards landing school counselor jobs in the future. It is advised that you take teacher education classes to better prepare you for entering into a graduate program that will groom you for school counselor jobs. Depending on the state where you want to work as school counselor, there are some states that require teaching experience to become a school counselor. You must check also if you are required to have a teaching certification and counseling experience because some states require you to have both. To better increase opportunities for school counselor jobs, you need to enter into a graduate program that specializes on counseling. While in grad school you can take coursework subjects on community and career counseling, human development substance abuse, and other related subject matter. Becoming a licensed school counselor can further boost your opportunities in finding good paying school counselor jobs. After completing your graduate degree in counseling you can become a licensed professional, although in some states this is not a requirement for employment as school counselor. Regardless whether it is required or not in the state where you work, it is still advised that you become a licensed school counselor to beat out competitors also vying for school counselor positions. Now that you have successfully prepared yourself for a career in counseling, applying for school counselor jobs will not be difficult for you. To have an advantage over other applicants, creating a resume that is comprehensive that highlights your skills and experiences is necessary. Any experience you have in counseling such as internship at a rehab clinic or teaching experience should be highlighted to emphasize your competence to do the job. Submit your application to several school districts. The more places you apply to the bigger your chances of getting a call for an interview. School districts that may not be hiring at the moment can keep your resume and retrieve it later once an available school counselor position will be opened. Once you get a call for an interview, you need to prepare for it. Preparation should include your appearance and confidence for the interview and presenting yourself as the best candidate for the school counselor position. Fabricating information during the interview should not be done since this would affect your application once the school district discovers it. Being honest with your qualifications and credentials is still the best policy to land a job. School counselor jobs typically work the same 9-10 months school year schedule as a teacher and have an annual salary around $53,000.
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